In-person gathering every Sunday at 10:00 am (ET)

If you are feeling unwell, please stay home.
The Online option continues to be available for those who are unable to join us. 

The Ways of God's Kingdom: image bearing not image building (Sunday, Mar 9, 2025) 

Download the follow-up guide and think through the issues in gospel community with others.  
Not part of a gospel community? Get connected with one!

Sunday Mornings

10:00am - 11:30am

We meet together on Sunday mornings for a church-wide worship and equipping time, as well as community celebrations and other events throughout the year. These gatherings along with First Principle courses are the primary environment where we learn about what Jesus has done and commanded for our lives. Instead of sitting in rows we sit at tables and engaging in some discussion during our gathering.  We also partner on-site with North York Chinese Bible Church to provide learning for children and teaching for adults in Mandarin.


Gospel Communities

A Gospel Community is the primary environment where we actually participate in family life, learning to obey Christ and make disciples with him in every area of our lives.  It is through these simple households that we are seeking to engage our neighbourhoods and live as family on mission. 

Gospel communities gather regularly on days that work for each community in the host family's neighbourhood.  Get connected to one!


Benefiting Our Community

  • Drop-in meal

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    • Childcare

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  • After-school programs

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Worship in Music and Art

Replay videos of worship in art and music from our Sunday worship gatherings. You can watch recorded messages here.