Our Ministries

  • 98.4 Youth FM

    98.4 Youth is a space where youth can build relationships and seek answers to important questions with the help of youth leaders who seek to partner with parents and the rest of the church family to raise them up in the truth of Jesus.

    We meet on Friday nights during the school year at Don Valley Bible Chapel. We break for the summer after June 22. Please contact Lucas for more information!     



    Questions? Contact Lucas  youth@dvbc.com

  • Prime time kids

    Children start the Sunday morning with their parents in the main sanctuary and then head downstairs for an exciting, interactive program for kids. Prime Time Kids is for children up to grade 5, and  teaches a biblical worldview that supports parents in passing on the Christian faith to their children. There is a separate nursery and pre-school program for very young children.

    For more information about Prime Time please contact Liz Voce 25primetime25@gmail.com

  • 55+

    55+ is a seniors' ministry at DVBC. We meet twice a month to sing, pray, and spend some time discussing the message on Sundays.  An integral part of our time together is praying for people and sending cards to those who are ill, bereaved or needing encouragement.  

  • care team

    The CARE Team works with the elders to Coordinate practical care for specific needs primarily through assessment and referral. We seek to encourage the natural caring and sharing from household to household while connecting people with the resources needed to deal with difficult problems.

    For more information about the Care Team, please contact care@dvbc.com