To encourage the DVBC family toward love and good works we are issuing a Hospitality Challenge. 

One of the best ways to practice the biblical principles we’ve been teaching about making disciples in the flow of everyday life, is to practice biblical hospitality. (Messages are posted here) The practice of hospitality is commanded in Scripture, and it is a very simple way to cultivate opportunities for the gospel.

  • Over the next month practice hospitality by inviting someone new to our church, an international student, or a neighbor you’ve been reaching out to, or just someone who needs encouragement, over for a meal.
  • Are you single? Is your apartment too small? No worries. You don’t have to do this alone. Team up with someone else from our church or in your gospel community.
  • Pray God will give you an opportunity to share something about your faith. Treat your guests like family and practice generosity and gracious speech.
  • Let us know how it went. Feel free to post something on our DVBC Facebook page.

Biblical Hospitality

For many, the term hospitality brings to mind glossy magazine photos—an immaculate home, a gourmet menu, an exquisite table setting.  And while some of these images could be applied to biblical hospitality in certain situations, what these images portray is not hospitality but entertaining.

When hospitality is described in the Scriptures, there are zero instructions regarding home décor, menu, or table setting.  Take a look at how the Scriptures describe biblical hospitality.

  • According to John 14:15, 21–24, the primary evidence that one is a Christian and loves her heavenly Father is her choice to obey his commands. Though we live in a world that promotes “having things your own way,” I learned that to please the Lord I need to respond to all of his instructions with an obedient spirit, not just pick those that appeal to me—and this includes our response to what his Word teaches about hospitality.

  • Romans 12:13b says we are to practice hospitality—literally, to “pursue the love of strangers” (Heb. 13:2)—not simply to hang out with our best friends. If we want to demonstrate obedience to our heavenly Father, we will practice biblical hospitality.

  • 1 Peter 4:9 builds on the instruction to practice hospitality and reminds us that our attitude is of utmost importance—we are to practice hospitality without complaining. This verse challenges us to conduct a heart search to discern whether we’re approaching this opportunity to minister with a “hearty attitude” (Col. 3:23).

  • We are reminded in Hebrews 13:2 that our willingness to extend hospitality may have far-reaching implications. If we study the lives of Abraham and Sarah (Gen. 18:1-3), Lot (Gen. 19:1–2), Gideon (Judg. 6:11–24), and Manoah (Judges 13:6–20), we learn that all entertained strangers were actually special messengers from God. While our motive should never be to give in order to receive, Luke 6:38 clearly states the measuring cup we’re to use to dispense our gifts and talents will be the same one used to provide our own. What’s the size of your hospitality measuring cup?

  • Third John 7–8 challenges us to extend hospitality to those involved in vocational Christian ministry. It’s exciting to know that as we share our homes and resources with our Lord’s servants, we become an active part of their ministries.

  • Third John 7–8 challenges us to extend hospitality to those involved in vocational Christian ministry. It’s exciting to know that as we share our homes and resources with our Lord’s servants, we become an active part of their ministries.

  • One of the requirements for individuals involved in church leadership, according to 1 Timothy 3:1–2 and Titus 1:7–8, is a willingness to allow others to observe them inside their homes—the arena in which their Christianity is most graphically revealed. Are you privileged to be in a leadership position in your church? If so, remember that these verses are qualifications, not suggestions.

Practicing Hospitality

These scripture passages challenge us to practice hospitality.  Most of us can recall a time when we tried to extend friendship and were met with rejection. If you’re like me, Satan can use that rejection as a roadblock to prevent you from obeying God on future occasions.  

Obedience requires that we refuse to rely on our achievements or to dwell on our failures.  We must lay aside past rejections and grudges and just do it. 

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Choose simple, inexpensive recipes for meals.

  • Make a list of people who are new to our church, a neighbour you’ve been reaching out to or someone who needs encouragement.

  • Make a plan arrange your routine and schedule to make room for hospitality and set aside some possible dates.

  • Start simple—spontaneously inviting someone home after a church meeting is a great beginning.

  • Pray that our hospitable God will give you joy in demonstrating his character to others.

  • Remember that relationships require time and energy to create.

  • Purpose to nurture a heart for biblical hospitality that sincerely communicates the generosity and grace of God.


Adapted from an article by Pat Ennis: