Foundations is an ordered pathway of life and ministry training meant to equip disciples and ministry leaders in the context of our local church. The pathway combines serious, ordered learning in core New Testament principles with practical experience and mentoring. 

What's Involved?

Each participant is given access to our Foundations Portfolio in a Google Classroom. Once the participant has posted satisfactory evidence of competency for each required component, the basic training will be considered complete and a certificate granted. All worksheets and training material will be uploaded to the Foundations Portfolio with the exception of the First Principles workbooks ; these will cost $15 each (Note: proceeds from the sale of these books go directly to  church planting and training church leaders all around the world). 

  • New Testament Principles

    Participants will work through sets of essential New Testament principles with a trained leader using the First Principles workbooks to record convictions and practical plans for your own life and ministry.  These guided conversations simply help participants dig into the bible teaching themselves and think deeply about the implications for their own lives and ministry.  The idea is to lay a foundation for following Jesus an living life as part of God's family on mission.   If you've already done some work in the First Principles, you can review your work and update your life and ministry goals to continue building on the firm foundation of Christ and his teaching.    

  • Life DeveloPment

    Participants will work through a series of five life development exercises to develop a basic vision and plan for your own life and ministry as part of a local church family. What are your God given responsibilities and roles?  What areas of development should you seek? What areas of your life do you need some assistance or help in? What are your gifts and talents and how can you use them to minister to others?

    To complete this process participants will need to engage in conversation and prayer with others and gain insights from those who have made progress in their own lives having gone through the process themselves. 

  • Ministry Experience

    We learn the most by experience, especially if we take time to reflect on and assess our experiences. Each participant will identify areas of service in their family and church family where they will serve in some capacity.  Active service will be followed up with a ministry reflection and assessment with some input from mentors. The goal is for every participant to complete three life and ministry reflections.   

I'm interested, what next?

Space is limited but we will form new learning cohorts as we are able. To begin the process of registering for the next available spot leave your name and email here. 

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