Things to know for re-opening

The Chapel will be doing limited re-opening late September with some new procedures to keep us (including the daycare) in compliance with Toronto Public Health. Please take the time to get familiar with them before we reopen. Sign up for the eConnection mailing list to get weekly updates as things can change quickly.

On this page:

  • Only use the main entrance (near the office). The others doors are reserved for daycare and TCBC.
  • Everyone entering the building has to sign in and out. Paper sign in sheets are posted on the bulletin board by the main door. Electronic sign in can be done by an internet-connected device, see below for more information.
  • A face covering that goes from over the nose to under the chin is required in the building at all times for everyone over the age of two with limited exceptions.
  • Use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the building.
  • Note the nursery is closed.
  • Try to limit using the washrooms at church. Stand and wait outside if they're occupied.
  • Bring your own water bottle; the water fountain will be closed. Keep any eating outside the building.
  • Stay upstairs; do not go downstairs.
  • Keep a two-meter/six-foot distance from people who are outside of your bubble.
  • Talking and playing music is okay, but singing and using wind instruments is not permitted.
  • Be prepared to help sanitize the meeting space before you leave.

If you visit the chapel and later test positive for COVID, please alert the office so that we can advise others to get tested.

The Bible is full of "one-anothers", such as "Be kind to one another" (Eph 4:32), "Seek good for one another" (1 Th 5:15), and "Serve one another" (Ga 5:13). Think of these as ways we are living out the one-anothers.

Signing in and out of the building

Everyone has to sign in and out and self-screen for COVID symptoms, this is a requirement from Toronto Public Health. This information will only be used to contact you if we learn there was potential COVID exposure.

You can sign in and out with paper and pen; sign in sheets are posted on the bulletin board by the main door.

You can sign in electronically using an internet-conntected phone or tablet. Using your own device is preferred because it is touchless.

Signs with two QR Codes are posted on the main door and near/around the entrance. One code is for entry and the other is for exit. Scan the entry code to open the sign in form. Please do not create a bottleneck at the doors if your phone cannot scan the sign due to glare; you can try to scan a sign inside the doors, or sign in on a paper sheet.

See the next section (below) to learn how to scan codes with Apple and Android devices.

Enter your name and contact phone number. If you're entering together with members of your household, you can register everyone at the same time.

Check yourself and all your household members for any of the COVID symptoms, whether you've been out of the country in the last 14 days, or if you've been in contact with someone who is sick or confirmed to have COVID in the last 14 days. These are required fields, meaning you must answer the questions. If everything is negative, you can enter the building with your mask on.

If you answer positively for any of these, go home self-isolate right away, then call Telehealth to see if you need a test.

When you leave, scan the exit code and fill in that form.

How to use a QR code reader

You need to be connected to the Internet to use the online sign in and sign out forms.

iOS (Apple) device
Apple devices from 2017 and newer use the camera app to scan QR codes. These links show you how to use the camera to scan codes: 

Android device
Google Assistant/Google Lens can scan QR codes. These links show how to use Assistant or Lens to scan codes.

Using another QR code scanner
If you have an older device or don't want to use the default apps, you can download Kapersky's free QR code scanner. Kapersky is a well-known leader in computer security.

Try a test scan

Open this page on a computer or other device, then scan this code:

It should tell you "Your QR code reader works!"

Additional information for leaders/bookings

  • Everyone who wants to use the church has to book a room and time with Henry. Having a key is not license to come and go from the church.
  • You (or someone else who agrees) will be the meeting/group "owner". The owner will be responsible for ensuring everyone signs in and out, sanitization is done, and that the meeting/group only stays within the booked time. The owner will be required to sign a memo of understanding to confirm this.
  • If someone can't sign in/out electronically, keep track on the paper sign in sheet (which are at the bulletin board by the main doors). Hand in the sheet to Henry.
  • There is cleaning bucket with cleaning supplies. You only need to clean the spaces that were used. The actual cleaning can be divided up between people. Let Henry know if supplies are low.
  • Review the cleaning checklists. Printed ones are at the bulletin board by the main door. Hand in the completed list to Henry.
    1. Cleaning procedure:
      Sanitize hands or put on gloves before cleaning
    2. If area is soiled with large particles, remove them before spraying cleaner.
    3. Spray soiled area with Orange Cleaner (bottle #1).
    4. Wipe soiled area with paper towel or cloth.
    5. Spray area with Citrus Disinfectant (bottle #2)
    6. For disinfectant to be effective, it must stay on the surface for a minimum of 2 minutes (contact time)
  • Review procedures for the event that that someone becomes ill during a meeting